kdevelop-pg-qt dependency for php

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue May 11 18:12:49 UTC 2010

On 11.05.10 16:18:40, Jonathan Schmidt-Dominé - Developer wrote:
> Hi!
> I missed Apaku in IRC. Please move it to gitorious (Apaku Niko, or who ever). 
> ;)

Did we decide where to put it? i.e. have a separate project for it or
put it into the kdevelop project? The latter having the positive effect
of it being easily findable as one of the requirements for php, but also
means binding a parser-generator that doesn't really have any
correlation (except part of its name and the original author) with

Personally I'm undecided :)


Today's weirdness is tomorrow's reason why.
		-- Hunter S. Thompson

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