Review Request: C++-Parser: Eat typename

Esben Mose Hansen kde at
Thu May 6 07:47:47 UTC 2010

On Wednesday 05 May 2010 14:34:52 David Nolden wrote:
> Currently we simply have no use for the "typename" keyword. At some point I
> have to check out in the language specification why it is needed
> sometimes, but I think that KDevelop understands such cases even without
> it.

It is mostly the "dependent type" problem, that is, when the type is not 
available until instantiation. E.g.

struct A {
  typedef int cheese;

template<typename T> 
struct B {
  typedef typename T::cheese stelton;

I had a book once that showed an example where not requiring the keyword could 
lead to the compiler picking the wrong definition of something, but I can't 
remember it offhand, and the book disappeared some time ago.

Kind regards, Esben

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