Git repositories created and how to work with them

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue May 4 21:42:13 UTC 2010

On 04.05.10 20:40:20, Niko Sams wrote:
> > I suggest that everybody tries to read a bit about how git and its branches
> > can be used, for example here:
> After some reading I propose now this:
> - commit small/simple bugfixes in stable branch
> - stable branch gets merged every saturday into master
> - anyone can merge earlier (to get fixes into master sooner)
> - larger bugfixes are done in a topic branch (forking off stable)
> - topic branch gets merged into stable and master by the one who does the fix
> - (rebase if forked off wrong branch)
> - cherry-picking commits from master still can be done but should be avoided
>   (if you commited accidentally to master)

Thats fine with me, as long as the latter really is the exception to the


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