Git repositories created and how to work with them

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue May 4 07:21:11 UTC 2010


I've pushed all 5 repositories to (and the
project page also works now): kdevplatform, kdevelop, quanta, php,
php-docs. They're open for comitting, hence I'd like to talk a bit about
our workflow with that. (this is not set in stone of course)

I've created a 4.0 branch already from master, thats our stable branch
and should get all bugfix commits on it. We'll than have to make sure
that its merged once a week (or more often for important fixes) into
master so that master also gets the bugfixes. I don't want to be
responsible alone for that, so if anybody notices no merge on sunday
evening if there's been commits to 4.0 branch in the week, please just
do the merge.

The master branch is open for any kind of commits, but only
single-commit-change should be pushed to it directly. Everything else
should be done in a local branch and the branch then merged into master.
I'm thinking it makes sense to use --no-ff when doing the merge so that
even if a fast-forward is possible we'll get a merge-commit.

For the commits themselves its important to make them self-contained,
that is after each commit, even in a series of related commits, the code
should be buildable. The simple reason for that is git bisect, it makes
finding regressions really easy, but it depends on a buildable codebase
after each commit.

Once we have enough features done for a 4.1 release, I think it would be
best to merge the 4.0 branch once again into master and then create a
4.1 branch which immediately becomes the stable-branch and gets all
bugfixes. The 4.1.0 release would then be done once its stable enough
for the release. 

The good thing about this workflow is that merging always happens in the
same direction and hence is less likely to create errors (like merging
master into the stable branch). There are of course other workflows with
git, so if somebody has a better idea we can also do that.

If there are any other questions: Please ask away.


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