Execing make with KDevGenericManager

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Mar 26 07:20:27 UTC 2010

On 25.03.10 23:17:16, Victor Vicente de Carvalho wrote:
> Hi all,
> on my erlang plugin I'm willing to use the builtin Emake utility, wich is ok
> until I can make something more useful.
> So, on my application template, I've made the manager to
> be KDevGenericManager. This worked ok, but it doesn't interpret my project
> as an build item. How I do that?

The generic project manager doesn't know anything about building stuff. 
I've written a custom-buildsystem plugin a few weeks ago (its not 100%
finished yet, but works already quite well):


It adds the "buildsystem" stuff on top of the generic manager plugin,
based on user configuration. Maybe that fits your needs? If not and
Emake is close to "make" in its arguments, then you could try ou the
KDevCustomMakeManager which supports Makefile-based projects.

You're almost as happy as you think you are.

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