The Code Bubbles IDE

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Mar 11 14:15:21 UTC 2010

On 11.03.10 08:30:31, Manoj Rajagopalan wrote:
> Hi kdevelop-devel,
>    The video demo is cool and I thought I'd share it with you all. This IDE 
> looks a lot like a cut of the KDE baskets app but for code and I wonder if 
> this is achievable, maybe as KDevelop 5?

Looks cool. I don't quite see myself benefiting from it for normal coding,
there's too much mouse-interactions there and while writing up code for a
new feature or a longer bugfix I really only need a single editor (as I
can't multi-task anyway).

But the idea of seeing small portions of code (functions) next to each
other while stepping through code and debugging is really nice. That might
be really useful...


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