Gathering the set of files-to-watch

Esben Mose Hansen kde at
Sat Jun 12 20:59:19 UTC 2010

On Saturday 12 June 2010 21:59:26 Milian Wolff wrote:

Thanks for all the answers :) David, too, of course.

> Assuming that file was already parsed once you should check the features of
> that existing version and reuse them. Otherwise use the default which would
> be without uses and ast afaik. AST is definitely not required by default.

Ok. Wouldn't usages be wrong or outdated, then? I do those get rebuild as 
needed? But redoing with the same level sounds like the *intelligent* thing to 
do. Where should I look for that information?

> > My next item on the list is getting and watching the includes of a file.
> > The cleanup, and finally I'll submit it to the mercy of the core
> > developers :)
> I'm interested in it. How many watchers do you setup now for a medium sized
> project? E.g. kdevplatform + kdevelop?

191 (directories, file watches are useless for these purposes)

I expect this to rise somewhat once I get the included files, especially for 
Qt projects (as they tend to have included files in every build dir, too).

Still, I think the limit is about 8K directories, so there is some headroom 

Kind regards, Esben

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