DUChain architecture changes, port away from SmartRange etc.

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Mon Jul 12 12:41:31 UTC 2010

On 12.07.10 14:26:41, Niko Sams wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 17:09, David Nolden <zwabel at googlemail.com> wrote:
> > As I already said before, this should become the main development
> > line, and we should move it into a central place, so we can start
> > working on this code, and do a stable release based on it, at least
> > somewhat close to the KDE 4.5 release. IMO this should simply be the
> > trunk in our main development repository.
> Imho it should be merged into master asap, especially when we start adapting
> language plugins to it.

Except that this step might work against your intention of getting as much
testing as possible, simply because it means depending on KDE 4.5 which is
not released yet. I have no numbers for how many people are affected by
such a change, but lurking in IRC suggests that there is a significant
amount of people using master and I'd expect quite some fallout among them
when you're increasing the requirement this early. (for
me it means that one of two machines won't be able to build master anymore
for some time to come, at least 2 months)

Anyway I've already raised my concerns before and I'll now be quiet about
this and leave the decision to those that are more actively working on the
codebase :)


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