KDevelop maintainership

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Mon Jul 5 12:34:46 UTC 2010

On 05.07.10 15:00:58, Alexander Dymo wrote:
> Hey,
> I'd like to bring this question to our attention one more time.
> Andreas stepped down quite a long time ago and nobody stepped up and
> we definitely need a maintainer (not just release coordinator, history
> shows we as a team do benefit from having a strong and involved
> maintainer).
> So, I'd like to propose this - like in KDevelop3 times, elect two maintainers:
> * one person to do release management (boring stuff: release team
> participation, packaging, bug management, writing stories, dot
> articles, etc, etc.)
> * another person to watch after technical things (fun stuff: watch
> after code, api, architecture, do reviews, have a say when there's no
> consensus during technical discussions)
> Amilcar and I managed to make 5 releases this way (from 3.1 to 3.5)
> and I think that went quite well.
> What would you guys to say about electing:
> * Milian for release coordinator
> * Andreas for technical maintainer

I'm sorry to say so, but I'm not up for that. I'm currently only using
KDevelop when hacking on its source code, which means less than 5 hours a
week and I don't think I should be judging on a codebase that I don't use

I'm still playing a bit with the core/ui split as I'm interested in that,
but beyond that I don't have any plans to work on any kdevelop code in the
short to mid term. (I'd love to implement a couple of features, but as I
don't really use kdevelop myself I know I wouldn't ever be maintaining them


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