To freeze or not to freeze?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Jan 17 13:51:49 UTC 2010

On 17.01.10 02:02:57, Nicolas Alvarez wrote:
> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > We need to give translators time to actually finish the translations. So
> > while we can probably delay the string freeze a bit, we certainly need
> > to give them more than a month to finalize translations - IMHO.
> But nothing stops translators from working while we're *not* yet in string 
> freeze...

You know, they also have other things to do ;) The thing is that without
a string freeze its very likely that a string change happens at a point
where not all translations can/will be updated before the release. So
you'd get a half-translated app, which looks even more broken than a
not-translateable one. Hence there needs to be a string-freeze. 

Of course string-freeze doesn't mean you can't commit bugfixes anymore,
there are plenty of things that don't need a string-change.


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