
Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Jan 15 08:19:29 UTC 2010

On 14.01.10 21:23:57, David Nolden wrote:
> SVN commit 1074860 by zwabel:
> Determine the mimetypes used for sorting the project-tree without doing any disk-access.
> This fixes the problem that opening folders for the first time was horribly slow (including the "sync" button)

Makes sense, but we need to look out in which cases the
mimetype-detection fails and what happens to the icon in that case
(ideally there'd simply be no icon shown, but we might get something
else). One might be able to trigger such a case with an xml document or
something else where the mimetype spec defines data-lookup as necessary
to determine the filetype.


You'll be sorry...

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