
Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Feb 21 15:16:04 UTC 2010

On 21.02.10 12:38:14, Alexander Dymo wrote:
> SVN commit 1093771 by dymo:
> Extend IRunController interface with two methods:
> - launchConfigurations() to return the list of all configurations
> - execute() to execute the given launch configuration
> With these methods plugins can now create their own launch configurations
> and execute them. This will be used in Ruby support to run current file.

That was actually intentionally missing. Arbitrary plugins aren't
supposed to create launch configs as most plugins simply don't have a
clue how to setup a launch config. Whats the use-case for this? IMHO if
ruby support wants to create a launch config to run a script it should
use a method of the executescript plugin and that one should install a
public interface header with that method in it.


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