"Create Snippet From Selection" context-menu entry

David Nolden zwabel at googlemail.com
Thu Feb 11 22:46:23 UTC 2010

Hi! I have a problem with this context-menu entry in the editor. The problem 
is that it shows up _always_, and it shows up in a very bad place, without any 
separation from the code-navigation features.

Yes in same cases it's greyed out, but anyway I think this anyway is not 
something you will be doing all the time. Such "random plugin" entries should 
only show up if there is a real indication that the user is actually using 
that plugin, for example it should definitely not show up if I don't even have 
the snippet tool view added to my mainwindow.

IMO the right place for this probably infrequently used action thing be the 
main-menu (maybe Editor -> Snippets or something like that).

Greetings, David

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