CMake project reloading.

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Feb 3 15:54:23 UTC 2010

On 03.02.10 11:58:38, David Nolden wrote:
> Am Mittwoch 03 Februar 2010 11:24:11 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> > I never was fond of that reload method, IMHO the project managers should be
> > able to better keep track of things. So if a file X is deleted and removed
> > from the cmakelists.txt, they wouldn't just drop the whole folder from the
> > model. Instead they'd parse the updated file and generate some kind of
> > "difference" between the old and the new state and apply the necessary
> > deletions/additions of subitems only. Yes this is more complex than a
> > complete reload, but its (IMHO) also the "right way" to do it.
> Speaking from my experience, the "right way" is usually the "most simple" way, 
> the one that creates the lowest amount of additional complex and potentially 
> buggy code-paths.

Not if the "most simple" solution has unwanted side-effects or creates
problems for the user (why is a whole subtree unusable for multiple seconds
if I just added or removed a file?).


Avoid gunfire in the bathroom tonight.

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