Tutorial collection/end-user docs

Girard Henri girardhenri at free.fr
Sun Dec 5 07:56:35 UTC 2010

Le dimanche 05 décembre 2010 à 08:19 +0100, Syron a écrit :
> I was thinking of a highly simplified TeX based language for
> structuring - only for structuring text into chapters and sections,
> including images, footnotes, cross references and so on. This would be
> easily translatable into formats like HTML, XML, TeX, and my first
> tests on writing a parser for this are fine.
I am interested in tutorial about kde4 and kdevelop4, most of them are
on previous versions : I am trying to get rid of kde3 and the
developping is not at all the same. They are few good tutorial for kde4
on techbase for beginners (i am always a beginner) but after it's
difficult to find intermediate, though they are real good sources
everywhere specially on kde qt apps. I am not an expert but i use
kdevelop since the beginning (i guess more than 10 years now...) and the
quality of this IDE is wonderfull !!! thanks people making it :)

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