patchreview.cpp diverged in master/movingranges

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat Aug 21 21:46:28 UTC 2010

On 21.08.10 21:42:57, David Nolden wrote:
> I actually did the changes to patch-review while improving the git
> support. Fortunately I didn't do the same thing as Aleix there, so it
> was possible to merge the changes with some effort. I actually ment to
> merge those git-support changes into master as well, but seems like I
> forgot it. There is a few other "low-conflict-probability" changes
> that I did in the movingranges branch, because it were tiny changes,
> and I was simply too lazy for the branching-ninja stuff. After all the
> development-lines were supposed to meet each other soon anyway..
> I've merged everything together now and pushed it into the movingranges branch.

Thanks for doing that.

> So, when will we push it into master?

Once 4.1 has been branched as far as I understood, which should happen
in approx 1.5 weeks according to (I just added a link to the KDevelop4
page pointing to the release schedule):


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