Movingranges branch

Milian Wolff mail at
Sat Aug 7 11:03:54 UTC 2010

On Saturday 07 August 2010 12:34:37 David Nolden wrote:
> 2010/8/7 Niko Sams <niko.sams at>:
> > Keep in mind that more (active) branches mean more work. Especially if
> > it's not that easy to merge between them.
> > So I vote for creating a 4.1 branch, discontinuing 4.0 branch and
> > merging movingrange
> > into master. That way we have the same number of branches, do the same
> > merges and
> > still have a new release.
> > 
> > But where merge Milian's multiplelanguages branch? Maybe 4.1 so we can
> > have a first
> > Quanta release that depends on KDE 4.4.
> If multilang would go into the branch, it would mean that we would
> split up the whole development across 2 different branches, which
> would really suck, as it would reduce the tiny amount of testing we
> can do even more, and overall it's wasted time. I think the
> development of the non-movinranges branch should be stopped as soon as
> possible (especially regarding language-supports), because you might
> end up doing a lot of fixing and polishing of code that will be thrown
> away/removed in the next release anyway (language-supports are less
> complicated in the movingranges branch).

Yeah, I support you here. Lets publish 4.1 from master as-is (including bug 
fixes if we find any of course). But I'll merge multilang only after 
movingranges and do the required adaptions.

> > Oh, is there planned to keep an stable API/ABI for kdevplatform at
> > some point? The decision
> > for a 4.2 should not influence that...
> I'm against this in close future. We've seen in kate the pains that it
> causes. All kdevplatform-based software I've heard of is open-source,
> and it's no problem at all for distros to rebuild all
> kdevplatform-based apps with each update. I don't want to see
> ISessionControllerV2 interfaces etc. in kdevplatform.

See my other mail, I'm also with you here.

> Even the binary-compatible split between ktexteditor and kdevelop is
> a pain already.

Yes sure, but lets not forget what we get for that (imo tiny) pain.

Milian Wolff
mail at
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