Kate/KDevelop developer meeting

Dominik Haumann dhdev at gmx.de
Sun Apr 25 11:16:34 UTC 2010

Hi everyone,

as Berlin in February was such a great success, I'd like to propose to have 
such a developer meeting again, as soon as possible :)

I've created a poll that spands the entire September in 2010. The idea is to 
have a sprint again for a whole week, see:


I don't have a location, yet. I'd be fine with Berlin again (Milian?), or of 
course any other place. I would like to have one appartement again, where 
all participants sit around together, as this leads a lot of hacking in the 
evenings ;)

Anyone interested to organize it? Please vote in the poll above ;)


CC: cross-posting to KDevelop mailing list. please keep discussions mainly 
at kwrite-devel.

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