Hiding useless Qt Meta methods in Implementation Helper

Milian Wolff mail at milianw.de
Fri Apr 23 11:13:48 UTC 2010

Hey all, esp. David:

What about hiding the useless Qt meta methods in the implementation helper? 
You never want to implement qt_metacall, qt_metacast or metaObject().

Of course, these should only be hidden in actual QObjects, but afaik the 
DUChain has that knowledge, right?

Once these would be in, and together with my just committed patch that hides 
signals, we should get an action into kdev 4.1 that adds _all_ implementations 
for the current document. Right now such a thing would be useless as it adds 
things that moc should do.

Milian Wolff
mail at milianw.de
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