Fwd: MovingCursor + Ranges, Features

Christoph Cullmann cullmann at absint.de
Thu Apr 22 21:06:11 UTC 2010

Niko Sams wrote:
> Hi,
> Could you (David?) take a look at this?
> I think we should give some feedback....
And all keep in mind: what is not in moving*.h in ktexteditor in KDE 4.5,
will be away in KDE 4.6.

smart*.h stuff won't be any longer implemented then in kate part.

Therefore: what is missing for you there now (beside stuff like
convenience non-virtual functions that for sure are still missing but
can be added even after 4.5), should be said now.

I still have enough spare time to implement missing stuff before 4.5,
and if I won't be able to implement stuff crucial for you but feasible,
I might relay the smart* purging to 4.7.

(but please don't scream words like threadsafety, you are better off
with your on BKL or some workqueue)

> Niko
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Christoph Cullmann <cullmann at absint.de>
> Date: Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 20:56
> Subject: MovingCursor + Ranges, Features
> To: kwrite-devel at kde.org
> Hi,
> the new stuff is now kind of working, what does it support:
> You get moving cursors and ranges, just like before. If a ranges becomes
> empty, it either stays like that and may grow again or you can let it be
> flagged automatically as "invalid".
> You can assign attributes to ranges and couple the showing of the
> attribute to one specific view or allow it to be seen everywhere or only
> in views (not in printing, for example important for spell checking).
> You can assign dynamic attributes which are used if the caret or mouse
> is inside the range in the view, this works since today,
> for example used in template stuff later, ATM there is a demo in the
> "show all" of the search, move caret inside any match with keyboard, you
> will get "italic" font, move the mouse over, your will get "bold" font.
> Atm I don't think about implementing more, any essential stuff missing
> you really can't live without?
> (inspect movingcursor.h and movingrange.h in ktexteditor for the current
> API, convenience stuff missing for sure, but see Dominiks mail for that)
> Greetings
> Christoph
> --
> -------------------------------------- Christoph Cullmann ---------
> AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH      Email: cullmann at AbsInt.com
> Science Park 1                         Tel:   +49-681-38360-22
> 66123 Saarbrücken                      Fax:   +49-681-38360-20
> GERMANY                                WWW:   http://www.AbsInt.com
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Geschäftsführung: Dr.-Ing. Christian Ferdinand
> Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Saarbrücken, HRB 11234
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-------------------------------------- Christoph Cullmann ---------
AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH      Email: cullmann at AbsInt.com
Science Park 1                         Tel:   +49-681-38360-22
66123 Saarbrücken                      Fax:   +49-681-38360-20
GERMANY                                WWW:   http://www.AbsInt.com
Geschäftsführung: Dr.-Ing. Christian Ferdinand
Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Saarbrücken, HRB 11234

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