Laying down the maintainer-hat

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat Apr 10 11:27:22 UTC 2010

On 10.04.10 12:24:21, Niko Sams wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 11:33, Esben Mose Hansen <kde at> wrote:
> > On Saturday 10 April 2010 10:50:58 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> >> Well, my experience with KDevelop is that the "steering the development
> >> into the right direction" part is not really needed. The team is pretty
> >> much clear on what we want and how to achieve it. So it basically boils
> >> down to things like proposing release plans or at least dates for the
> >> next beta and then taking care of actually doing it (in time, which is
> >> one part I really suck at due to not having any kind of calendar app).
> >> That includes taking care of the version, tagging it, tarballing and
> >> uploading it. And taking care of having a dot-announcement and a blog
> >> entry too. Oh and nowadays its also good to send a mail to amilcar to
> >> make sure our website is updated with a news entry (as he seems to have
> >> little time currently).
> >
> > So basically, it is release management?
> Well, Andreas did a lot more:
> - he took care of almost all incoming bug reports

Thats not exactly something that belongs to the maintainer role, I think
I'll continue doing that. More problematic is a regular going through
all reports to close things that got solved already or are not
applicable anymore and to ask for more information where necessary.

> - he looked at all of us commits and did even revert some broken ones
> and commented others that must be improved

Thats another thing that IMHO belongs to my role as active developer in
the project.

> - he was involved in most design (ui and technical) discussions
> (BTW: thank you for all this)

Again, something that belongs to my role as developer. And I didn't
really take part in anything in the language-stuff, except if it was on
a very high level.

> But I think this must not be done by a single "maintainer" person, we should
> help together. Maybe we could even convince Andreas to continue maintainership
> if we do burden-sharing of those jobs :D

Well, see above, those things are not the problem, its really the part
about tarballing, coming up with some useful announcement and keeping an
overview of what exactly happened since the last release so the
announcement can get actual content. This is a rather tedious task (for
me at least) as I instantly forget any commit or closed report once I've
read it and eventually commented on it.


Just because the message may never be received does not mean it is
not worth sending.

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