Generating helper files

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Apr 4 06:41:42 UTC 2010

On 03.04.10 19:04:53, Victor Vicente de Carvalho wrote:
> I'm planning to integrate the built-in erlang debugger on kdevelop. To
> achieve this, I need to create a simple erlang module which will be shipped
> alongside the plugin. That's ok, since I can install the file and get it on
> KDevelop. The problem is that it needs to be compiled, and the compilation
> process generates a ".bean" interpreted file. That's the problem, I don't
> know where to put it. Do you guys think it's ok to use the kdevelop folder
> under .kde/share/apps to store it? I can't save it on the same place I'll
> ship the .erl file, as superuser access will be probably required.

So this is being done during runtime of kdevelop? Or during installation
time? The latter would suggest an install rule that puts the .bean file
into <prefix>/share/apps/kdeverlang (there's a variable for the
share/apps part:DATA_INSTALL_DIR. If its generated during runtime then
using KStandardDirs to get the url for a file in
$KDEHOME/share/apps/<yourpluginname> would be correct.


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