Difference in DUContext::findDeclarations() when using QualifiedIdentfier instead of Identifier

David Nolden zwabel at googlemail.com
Wed Sep 30 07:17:56 UTC 2009

Am Samstag 26 September 2009 15:12:58 schrieb Milian Wolff:
> Hi there!
> I just spotted some unexpected behavior in the DUChain:
> I have a function, with some arguments (e.g. arg1, arg2). The
> DUContext::Function type context gets imported in the internalContext() of
>  the function declaration.
> Now I can do e.g.:
> funcDec->internalContext->findDeclarations(Identifier("arg1"))
> And that will find me the declaration of arg1. So far so good.
> But when I change the above to use QualifiedIdentifier, instead of
>  Identifier, it doesn't work anymore.
> How come?
> Example:
>     foreach ( Declaration* arg, funcDec->internalFunctionContext()-
> >localDeclarations() ) {
>         QList<Declaration*> decs = funcDec->internalContext()-
> >findDeclarations(arg->qualifiedIdentifier());
>         QCOMPARE(decs.size(), 1);
>     }
> I'd expect that this works, but it doesn't. the decs list is always empty.
>  If I use arg->identifier() it works though...
> David, can you explain that?
Something must be wrong with your qualified identifier, maybe it has the 
'explicitly global' flag set which influences the search?

Greetings, David

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