What's missing for 4.0

Kishore kitts.mailinglists at gmail.com
Thu Sep 17 19:11:56 UTC 2009

On Thursday 17 Sep 2009 11:51:50 pm Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > 1. The debugger is essentially unusable, even for local debugging (and
> > I really need remote debugging facilities). I realize that that's
> > being worked on.
> I'm not sure wether remote debugging will make it into 4.0.

Is remote debugging really very different? at least if it is using gdb? My 
daily work is with embedded systems and the only difference between them is in 
the way i launch gdb. For native apps, i execute "gdb path/to/app" and with 
remote system "arm-none-eabi-gdb -x path/to/gdbinit path/to/app".

Rest is all the same it seems. I recently tried debugging a remote target 
using kdev4 and it did not work. I did not explore further but it does not 
seem like a great deal as long as one can configure the gdb executable and 
some launch parameters. I did try that in the gdb configuration, but it did 
not seems to work and i don't know why. It works fine in kdev3.

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