Moving SnippetCompletionItem to language/completion

David Nolden zwabel at
Sun Sep 13 22:39:01 UTC 2009

Am Sonntag 13 September 2009 23:21:51 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> > Sounds very good. I have no time for review, but some more ideas:
> > - The selection-jumper could be indicated by blinking the current range,
> > similar to a cursor (Should be fairly easy using dynamic smart-range
> > attributes)
> > - ALT+left and ALT+right are a bit non-standard for input controls,
> > better would be "TAB" and "shift+TAB"
> This would interfere with indentation, so I'm not sure how easily thats
> doable. Personally I find alt-left/right ok.
The problem is that it is a new shortcut, while there is enough very well 
fitting other ones around. 'TAB' is only indent during normal editing, but for 
example when the completion list is open it has another meaning. And if this 
situation would be visually clear, it would be totally ok to use that shortcut 

> > - Ideally it should be possible to jump from one range to the next using
> > just the normal left/right cursor navigation (For example, one could just
> > listen the text-editor whether the cursor leaves the range, and if yes,
> > jump it to the next one)
> That would make even more sense than tab or alt+cursor.

The good thing about tab is that you could easily jump back and forth even if 
you've already typed something and are in an arbitrary cursor position.

Greetings, David

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