[Patch] quickopenplugin.cpp - no such signal

Kishore kitts.mailinglists at gmail.com
Sat Sep 5 04:06:22 UTC 2009

Is this patch correct? I do not know what it is meant to do. Could someone 
kindly check if this is needed?

On Sunday 30 Aug 2009 7:35:04 pm Kishore wrote:
> I noticed that in the command line i regularly saw:
> Object::connect: No such signal QuickOpenWidgetDialog::scopesChanged( const
> QStringList& )
> Object::connect: No such signal QuickOpenWidgetDialog::itemsChanged( const
> QStringList& )
> Looking into sources there seems to be a small error in connect() call.
>  Here is a patch;
> Index: plugins/quickopen/quickopenplugin.cpp
> ===================================================================
> --- plugins/quickopen/quickopenplugin.cpp       (revision 1017386)
> +++ plugins/quickopen/quickopenplugin.cpp       (working copy)
> @@ -809,8 +809,8 @@
>      }
>    }
> -  connect( m_currentWidgetHandler, SIGNAL( scopesChanged( const
>  QStringList& ) ), this, SLOT( storeScopes( const QStringList& ) ) );
> -  connect( m_currentWidgetHandler, SIGNAL( itemsChanged( const
>  QStringList& ) ), this, SLOT( storeItems( const QStringList& ) ) );
> +  connect( dialog->widget(), SIGNAL( scopesChanged( const QStringList& )
>  ), this, SLOT( storeScopes( const QStringList& ) ) );
> +  connect( dialog->widget(), SIGNAL( itemsChanged( const QStringList& ) ),
> this, SLOT( storeItems( const QStringList& ) ) );
>    if(quickOpenLine()) {
>      quickObject::disconnect: Unexpected null parameterOpenLine()-
> >showWithWidget(dialog->widget());
> I also notice that there are several lines of "Object::disconnect:
>  Unexpected null parameter" and "Calling appendChild() on a null node does
>  nothing." Is there something wrong?


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