Dockwidgets - Only one per Area? (= Left, Right, Top, Bottom)

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Oct 29 09:16:03 UTC 2009

On 29.10.09 00:14:26, Milian Wolff wrote:
> On Wednesday 28 October 2009 22:36:46 Milian Wolff wrote:
> > Hey all!
> > 
> > I finally found the cause for an issue that bugs me personally a lot:
> > 
> > The menu "View -> Tool Views" cannot hide currently shown dock widgets,
> >  i.e. it does not toggle, but only activate. This makes it pretty useless
> >  IMO.
> > 
> > The problem is that the actions have a QActionCollection associated, which
> >  has setExclusive() set. Under that condition, Qt refuses to toggle actions
> >  (see documentation).
> ... <snip> ...
> > My question is now: How should I proceed? Fix the menu (== remove the
> >  action collection), and introduce some code to Ideal that makes sure that
> >  only one dock widget is shown at the same time?
> > 
> > Of course I don't want to make the changes too big before beta6...
> Have committed a small fix that makes the menu usable and lets the current 
> behavior stay, i.e. only one visible dock widget per bar.

So can we now more easily have separators in the toolviews submenu? And
also radio-buttons so its more obvious that you can select one from a list
of x between two separators? There's a bugreport open for that, but I
didn't want to remove the action collection when I looked at the code back
then. Mostly this was because I couldn't see what other side-effects it
might have if I drop the collection.

> Still, I'd like to know whether one should be possible to have multiple (imo 
> would make sense).

The plan was to allow merging similar to QMainWindows implementation for
toolviews/dockwidgets. That is allow splitting of the left/right/top/bottom
area with splitters. And inside these again have a new tabbar (i.e. our
toolbuttons). And obviously at that point we will need drag'n'drop support
too for the toolviews.

You'll wish that you had done some of the hard things when they were easier
to do.

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