Should X-KDevelop-Interfaces list "grandparent" interfaces?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Nov 24 16:22:50 UTC 2009

On 24.11.09 17:16:48, Daniel Calviño Sánchez wrote:
> > No, a plugin needs to list all interfaces it exports, even those that
> > are "inherited".
> Sorry if I'm not understanding you, but if you say that a plugin has
> to list even those interfaces that are inherited, then what is wrong
> with the patch? (I assume that there is something wrong due to the
> leading "No" in your answer and because it wasn't committed)

The "No" referred to your last sentence under which I added my text (you
snipped it above so context is a bit missing here). There's nothing wrong
with the patch and it hasn't been comitted because I for one didn't know
you cannot commit it yourself :)


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