Test KDevelop4 with --graphicssystem native

Christoph Bartoschek bartoschek at or.uni-bonn.de
Tue Nov 24 12:16:25 UTC 2009

> The crash seems to be the well-known glibc bug/crash, so not really
>  related, the position where it crashes is more or less random.

I've fixed the crash. See my other message.

> >From what I remember you're using remote-X, right? That's an important
> information in this context. ;-)

Yes. I am using remote-X.  We have four login servers that work as X11-
clients. Then each user has an IGEL thin-client that runs as X11-server. There 
are about 30 users.

We have different versions of thin-clients. KDE3 and kdevelop 3.x work fine 
and fast on all clients. KDE4 is much slower than KDE3 and is only usable on 
the newest thin-clients. 

kdevelop 4 is slow per default on all thin-clients. Only with the native 
graphicssystem it is usable.


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