Review request: control flow graph plugin

Esben Mose Hansen kde at
Tue Nov 10 10:30:13 UTC 2009

On Monday 09 November 2009 23:53:58 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Is there a mutex/lock in the code that protects the above assignment and
> the usage in the separate threads? If not that might be the reason, no
> code besides stuff in duchain is thread-safe in kdevelop. So it could
> very well be that the above assignment isn't done yet while another
> thread tries to access the variable.

I didn't find any yesterday, so I really doubt it. Besides, even if there were, 
what were to prevent this scenario

1. Cursor is moved. Project (and duchain stuff) is assigned, thread_weaver 
queue enqueued
2. Project close/delete/otherwise invalidated
3. thread weaver gets around to actually running the job

Unless, of course, the threadweaver somehow knows about the projects and 
ensures that they are appropriately canceled when this happens. Even with 
this, I don't see how the DUChain pointers could survive from 1. to 3.

But you are right in that there is the additional problem that the main thread 
changes stuff while the run() method might be executing, which is also bad. 
That, at least, is more easily fixable.

kind regards, Esben

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