Removing FindKDevPlatform.cmake

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Nov 1 22:50:04 UTC 2009

On 30.10.09 19:24:30, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm going to remove FindKDevPlatform.cmake soonish (after beta6 as its a
> bit too close by now). I'm wondering what the maintainers of modules in
> playground think about the best solution to the "missing" cmake-module.
> Our options are:
> - enforcing requirement of the playground-plugins onto KDE 4.4 which
>   does have the cmake module now (I just copied it there)
> - copying it into each plugin separately
> - Any other idea you can come up with...

I've ported all the plugins in playground.

The only other is the controlflowgraph, which is currently in kdereview
and I'm just waiting for Sandro to decide on where to move it and then
move it there. It shouldn't need its own copy of the file.


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