KDevelop does not handle add_definitions in cmake files

David Nolden zwabel at googlemail.com
Sun Nov 1 22:38:42 UTC 2009

Am Mittwoch 28 Oktober 2009 19:33:29 schrieb BogDan Vatra:
>     I tried to test if I put my defines (I hard coded them "
> insertMacro( macros, rpp::pp_macro("DEF_LIB1") ); ")  in
> setupStandardMacros but it seems the cpp support ignore them when I
> open lib1.cpp , If I open kt.h the parser recognize "DEF_LIB1" define.
It should work like that (see the other macro insertions)

A possible explanation that it does not work is that the macro is overridden 
somewhere in the code. You can test it by inserting a macro with 
".fixed=true", then it won't be possible to override it in the code.

Greetings, David

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