New Perspective Tabbar and Qt4.4

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Mon May 25 13:19:57 UTC 2009


I've just made trunk compile against KDE4.2/Qt4.4, which of course broke
due to the new perspective tabbar which uses Qt4.5 API for QTabBar. I hoped
that not too much would break without the 3 calls that are in an ifdef now,
but unfortunately the result is totally useless (see attached image).

The question is: Is it easy enough to disable that tabbar to put the
relevant code in a #if QT_VERSION > 4.5? If thats not feasible the only
other option would be requiring Qt4.5/KDE4.3 which I'm not very fond of at
this time (not even an RC released for KDE4.3).


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