KDevelop 4.0 UI

David Nolden david.nolden.kdevelop at art-master.de
Sat May 23 10:55:03 UTC 2009

Am Samstag 23 Mai 2009 02:11:50 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> There's a difference between making a feature accessible and trying to
> cramp as much as possible into as little space as possible without any
> measuring of what looks good and what doesn't scare people away. There's
> a reason Qt creator doesn't put every feature it has into the toolbar.
Not that I opt for putting every existing feature into the toolbar. But 
looking at this 
h/qtcreator.png it seems like Qt Creator has nearly no whitespace. Every place 
that is not part of the editor is used for something useful. And that's imo 
how it should be. Either use the space for something useful, or give it to the 

The only way I can see they waste space is by the "Area Switchers" on the left 
side, but they make up for that by not wasting any space in other places. Also 
they use that space at the bottom for the build, so it's not all that wasted.

Greetings, David

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