KDevelop 4.0 UI

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sat May 23 00:17:46 UTC 2009

On 22.05.09 22:17:01, David Nolden wrote:
> Modified version with tabs on right side and lighter toolbar:
> http://zwabel.wordpress.com/files/2009/05/mockup3.png

Hmm, I still don't like the tabs. If we go this way I'll have an option
to make the toolbuttons. For me personally the toolbuttons in Eclipse
work just fine, except that I indeed sometimes doesn't realize when
eclipse switches between two views that look very similar. This happened
to me recently when Eclipse switched to "Script Perspective" from "Java
Perspective" and the only difference was that I couldn't choose certain
things from a context menu.

I'm not sure that tabs improve on this as they're still not visible
enough, however I don't have a better idea.

So alltogether, this one (assuming your KDE setting for toolbar icons is
small with no text) would probably work, but I'd be more than happy if
someone has a nicer idea besides toolbuttons or tabs for the
area-switching. Dan where are you if I need you ;)

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