Assert in duchain during PHP Unit-Test

Milian Wolff mail at
Mon May 11 17:21:59 UTC 2009

David Nolden schrieb:
> Am Montag 11 Mai 2009 18:29:19 schrieb Milian Wolff:
>> I get the following assert during some PHP Unit-Tests, zwabel can you
>> help out?
>> Is it something we have to adapt our duchain releaser to? Or is this a
>> bug in PHP somewhere?
> Can you eventually point at a revision where this appeared? This looks a bit 
> strange. Did you try the standard "rm ~/.kdevdurain -rf" thing? I think 
> nothing has been done that you need to adapt to.
> Greetings, David

Did that just now, doesn't change anything. Don't have time to go though 
revs right now... But could someone post me the svn cmds required to go 
back in time? I'll try it tomorrow than.

But Niko, I think you added these tests, did they work for you?

Milian Wolff

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