Help writing a plugin

Niko Sams niko.sams at
Sat May 2 14:45:58 UTC 2009

On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 4:28 PM, Manoj Rajagopalan <rmanoj at> wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I am interested in writing a graphing plugin to visualize 1-D and 2-D
> arrays within the KDevelop debugger. I have tried to google info on writing
> KDevelop plugins but the only thread I found leads to a broken link that is
> supposed to contain an example plugin.
Sounds interesting. Do you have some kind of mock-up of what you plan?

>  Can someone point me to a webpage or provide some info on how to go about
> this? I have used Qt and KDevelop extensively and have scanned the kdevelop
> source (SVN) and the API documentation.
Best would be to look at existing code.

>  I am trying to develop this plugin for the 3.5 branch.
I'd recommend using trunk - as noone is working on 3.5 anymore.
Tough gdb plugin is not really stable in trunk.

The debugger infrastructure isn't finished yet. Especially the
variable display is in the gdb plugin only.
So currently it is not possible to write a generic plugin - it would
habe to be done for
gdb only. However I'm currently working on this - and will create some
sort of common variable display

If you need any kind of help just ask here or on #kdevelop


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