KDevelop 4.0 beta2 release

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Mar 31 06:43:28 UTC 2009

On 31.03.09 00:14:49, Amilcar do Carmo Lucas wrote:
> How about releasing a beta 2 together with KDE 4.2.2 (Today) ?
> It would increase the visibility. I've been trying to contact apaku on IRC 
> since Thursday with no success. I hope you read this.

If you want to contact me outside of german office hours email is a better
bet (albeit being a tad bit slower). Especially on weekdays.

> The tagging has to be done asap.

I saw (in the backlog) that Alex and David thought its a good idea, I don't
have any objections though I didn't think we've accumulated enough features
to warrant a new beta2. I'm also not aware of the current stability of our
IDE as I basically haven't used it for over a week now...

KDE4.2.2 tarballs are not completely finalized yet, but will be anytime now
(some messup with icons and pulling some last patches from kdelibs branch),
so unless I see any replies telling me the opposite I'll create a tag and
notify Dirk in about 8 hours. 

What about publicity? I think it would be nice to have an article on the
dot again, but for that I'll need someone to fill me in on the important
new features - if I have that I can do the writing and coordination with
the dot team.


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