VCS: Proposal for a change of arguments to remove(), checkout() and import()

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Fri Mar 27 07:56:34 UTC 2009

On 27.03.09 08:26:33, Fabian Wiesel wrote:
> Hello,
> starting with the simple suggestion: since add() has a
> RecursionMode-parameter,  I'd like to suggest adding the same 
> to remove() out of symmetry reasons. (Default removed for
> brevity)
> < VcsJob* remove( const KUrl::List& localLocations)
> > VcsJob* remove( const KUrl::List& localLocations,
> >                         RecursionMode recursion)

Can you please use diff -u  for patches? Makes them easier to read - IMHO.

While symmetry of API is good, I don't like a parameter that does nothing.
If you remove a directory X from vcs control then that is always recursive.
> The next two changes are more far-reaching, hence my post
> without a real patch:
> Explicitly pass the source and target, instead of a VcsMapping to
> checkout() and import()

No, the vcsmapping was introduced to support systems where one can have
multiple sources checked out into different local locations. This is
something perforce supports, so you'd say:

put http://repo/foo/bar into /home/me/projectfoo/bar
put http://repo/baz into /home/me/projectfoo/baz

in perforce. And the Matthew who back then created the interfaces with me
is interested in writing perforce support at some point.


You will be divorced within a year.

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