Launch Configuration Realign (Mockup)

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Jun 16 19:07:27 UTC 2009

On 16.06.09 19:02:08, Milian Wolff wrote:
> - You click (once) on the "new Application" entry, i.e. on the icon or  
> on the text

I don't think that will be possible without some major changes. Also its
not so nice to have some items in the tree to be editable with
single-click and others be editable with double-click.

>> BTW: the inline-editing in the tree could be improved. It's not very
>> obvious that
>> you can edit here - especially for the type.

If we want to we can make the column use a combobox even for normal
display, but personally I hate the look of such tables/tree's.


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