Crash on close due to nullpointer kpart

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Mon Jun 1 22:11:35 UTC 2009

On 01.06.09 19:52:36, Milian Wolff wrote:
> Hey guys, just got that crash on close, dunno if you might be able to fix it. 
> BT attached.

I've had such crashes as well, when my config was broken. Not sure how I
got into the state of broken config, but I had 1-n documents that weren't
visible in the tabs, but I could see them in the view-switcher (Ctrl+Tab).
Once I removed all lines from the config that referenced "View"'s and the
urls it was fixed. The indication for this is that there's apparently a
0-Document in the list of documents.

Which obviously bears the question: Why are we adding 0-Documents to the
list instead of notifying the user and then removing the url from the
config file.


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