Multiple main window support, and action-collections

Alexander Dymo alexander.dymo at
Mon Jul 27 08:20:59 UTC 2009

On Monday 27 July 2009 10:51:00 David Nolden wrote:
> Am Montag 27 Juli 2009 01:29:17 schrieb Alexander Dymo:
> > I'd say we need two functions in a plugin:
> > 	//this would return action collection without a parent, and then will be
> > 	//reparented to a mainwindow by mainwindow itself
> > 	KActionCollection &IPlugin::guiActions()
> > 	QString IPlugin::xmlGuiFile()
> Such an API also looks like it can return the same actions all the time,
> which is not true. The actions have to be created uniquely for each
> mainwindow.
Right, so what about
KActionCollection &IPlugin::createGuiActions()

This API would also clearly divide responsibilities. Mainwindow has to create 
a KXMLGUIClient for each plugin and it will do that in a private function that 
would ask for xmlfile, actions and then construct a gui client. Therefore 
decoupling xmlfile getter from actions getter is not a problem.

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