Go through bugreports - please :)

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Jul 26 01:36:52 UTC 2009


I'd like some more people to check out the bugreports we currently have
open, so its not just my decision what should be fixed for kdev4.0.0 and
what shouldn't.

I've gone through all open bugreports (no wishlists for now) and tried
to tag everything that is probably needed for the 4.0.0 release
accordingly with target=4.0.0 (or 1.0.0 for kdevplatform). 

I've also tried to put some priorities to things, according to
reproduceability and annoyance.

We're now done to 84 bugreports, which should be quite manageable for
any of us to go through in the next 4 weeks or so. I'm not asking for
trying to reproduce them, just look at them, check the comments and
add a comment if you think its not important enough for the release.

You can use this query to see all bugreports for kdevelop+kdevplatform:


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