Code-completion icons

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Jul 16 21:39:06 UTC 2009

On 16.07.09 23:08:20, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> I'm actually not sure what the "larger plan" is about icons, but I do
> have the feeling that icons are generally moved "upstream" into the
> oxygen iconset. 
> I also have problems with this a bit, as for example if you switch the
> iconset to something different now you'll miss the icons from oxygen as
> thats not a fallback theme as defined by fdo. 
> Feel free to raise this on kde-core-devel or with the artists, I'm using
> oxygen and hence don't care about other icon themes missing icons.

Turns out that "oxygen" is actually a fallback icon theme for all KDE
apps (before checking in hicolor). Hence this is not a problem.


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