
Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Jul 16 17:04:24 UTC 2009

On 16.07.09 17:12:44, Aleix Pol wrote:
> Hi,
> Since we have fixed the issue that we couldn't have documents without url,
> why don't we make IDC::openDocumentFromText aware of it?
> It would be nice that when ctrl+s these documents we could save them
> anywere.

Patch attached. Currently the only user is the vcs library for opening a
diff file with kate, but thats actually temporary until we can/do use
kompare for that. So maybe the method should just go completely and I'll
just copy its current content into the vcs library.

Unless someone has a use-case where its really needed to create a new
empty document and then put some text into it?


Good day to let down old friends who need help.
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Name: openDocumentFromText_use_new_empty_document.diff
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