Problems with Generic Manager

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Jul 16 16:39:04 UTC 2009

On 16.07.09 18:28:23, Milian Wolff wrote:
> Andreas Pakulat, 16.07.2009:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've just hit two problems with the generic project manager while trying
> > to open Qt sources with it:
> >
> > - it completely blocks the GUI of KDevelop for about 4-5 minutes, not ok
> >   we've explicitly made the project-opening threaded to avoid this
> > - it doesn't allow to open all folders, for example I can get to src/
> >   and into gui/ but the folders in there don't have any children
> I will have a look, but that sounds rather strange to me. I mean I use KIO and 
> it's signal/slot stuff... 

Well, it might have gotten worse since your recent changes?
> And regarding the broken folders: sounds like a bug. Or you got strange filters 

I have whatever is set as default filter, I really only opened the
Qt source folder and then navigated the tree.


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