broken Signal/Slots connection in QuickOpen

Milian Wolff mail at
Tue Jul 14 23:41:19 UTC 2009

Just spotted these:

Object::connect: No such signal QuickOpenWidgetDialog::scopesChanged( const 
QStringList& ) in 
Object::connect: No such signal QuickOpenWidgetDialog::itemsChanged( const 
QStringList& ) in 

Those lines are:
  connect( m_currentWidgetHandler, SIGNAL( scopesChanged( const QStringList& ) 
), this, SLOT( storeScopes( const QStringList& ) ) );
  connect( m_currentWidgetHandler, SIGNAL( itemsChanged( const QStringList& ) 
), this, SLOT( storeItems( const QStringList& ) ) );
Thing is, m_currentWidgetHandler is a QPointer<QWidget>. A 
QuickOpenWidgetDialog* gets assigned to it. It has a widget() method which 
returns the real quickopenwidget which has the wanted signals... Who is fixing 

Milian Wolff
mail at
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