Some help with launch configurations

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat Jul 11 13:27:22 UTC 2009

On 10.07.09 16:44:04, Kishore wrote:
> On Friday 10 Jul 2009 4:10:17 pm Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > On 10.07.09 15:43:36, Kishore wrote:
> > > On Friday 10 Jul 2009 1:38:03 pm Vladimir Prus wrote:
> > > > On Friday 10 July 2009 Kishore wrote:
> > > > I am not exactly sure about dialog -- that
> > > > combo appears to only select what settings you want to edit -- it does
> > > > not change how the launch configuration is launched -- you pick the
> > > > relevant item from the menu. However, it's a bit confusing to myself,
> > > > too. Andreas, can you clarify what this combobox is supposed to mean?
> > >
> > > If the combobox in the dialog is meant to "create" the tab below it.
> > > would it not be better to have them as tabs that always exist and just
> > > discard the "Launch Mode" combobox?
> >
> > Well, IMHO its not so nice to have 8 tabs there just because there are 8
> > possible launch modes. And eventually even more if there are more launchers
> > for a given launchmode (think of integrating gdb+msvc-debug on win32 for
> > Debugging native apps). Thats why the tabs are added/removed based on the
> > launchmode.
> Hmmm... Too many tabs is not very nice but it does seem more intuitive.

Yeah, but using tabs for the mode would mean having nested tabs as one
lauch mode can possibly supply multiple pages. For example the valgrind
modes will all supply a generic setup page for the valgrind executable
and some general parameters and then invidiual pages for the specific

> I take this as "the way it 
> is meant to be" for launchers. i.e. you cannot have GDB and another configured 
> in the same launch config. I am not sure about this last bit but i see no way 
> to allowing the user to choose the different debug launches from the menu. Are 
> there going to be submenus to the Debug action?

Well, if it makes sense to have two different Debug-Actions on the same
launch config then you could have two in a submenu. For example in the
valgrind case it doesn't make much sense to have just a "Profile" action
and then have to choose/switch the actually used profiler (memory,
threads, function-calls etc) every time. Hence each profiles has its own
launch mode. I could for example imagine that remote-gdb for embedded
targets could provide its own launch-mode due to vastly differing setup,
but still being a Debug-Launchmode.

> > Not sure what you mean with that. Opening a cmake project asks you already
> > for the builddir for that project. If you have multiple builddirs you can
> > configure them via Project->Project Configuration...->CMake and switch the
> > active one there.
> At least for embedded systems, there is more configuration needed for cmake. 
> If you look through the official cmake-gui application, you will see that it 
> offers more options. When cross compiling it allows you to set the compiler 
> either directly or by specifying a CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE. At the very least i 
> think that the cmake support should provide a line edit that the user can use 
> to specify additional options to the cmake executable.

Definetly needed yes. I also pass various custom options to the

> I tried looking through the code for this but could not find where the cmake 
> executable is executed.

Its in kdevelop/projectmanagers/cmake/cmakebuilddirchooser*, shouldn't
be too hard to add a line-edit there. You just need to store the content
of that into the project configuration (similar to the buildtype) and
then adjust the cmakebuilder in kdevelop/projectbuilders/cmakebuilder to
read the value and use it (see the configure() method of the class)


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