Some help with launch configurations

Kishore kitts.mailinglists at
Fri Jul 10 10:13:36 UTC 2009

On Friday 10 Jul 2009 1:38:03 pm Vladimir Prus wrote:
> On Friday 10 July 2009 Kishore wrote:
> > I am currently unable to understand the concept of launch configurations.
> > Is there a document that explains this? Or could come dev be kind enough
> > to explain the concept. The final plan and the current state?
> Hmm, somebody probably should write this up, with rationale and what not.
> > One of the main confusions i have is the difference between "Project
> > Target" and "Executable". No matter which target (library or executable
> > in the project) that i specify in "Project Target" it always shows in
> > red.
> This is probably some bug -- are you using cmake as build system?

Yes. I am using cmake as build system.

> > What is
> > the meaning of Launch mode: "Execute" vs "Debug"? etc.
> In the dialog or in the menu?


> I am not exactly sure about dialog -- that
> combo appears to only select what settings you want to edit -- it does not
> change how the launch configuration is launched -- you pick the relevant
> item from the menu. However, it's a bit confusing to myself, too.
> Andreas, can you clarify what this combobox is supposed to mean?

If the combobox in the dialog is meant to "create" the tab below it. would it 
not be better to have them as tabs that always exist and just discard the 
"Launch Mode" combobox?

Also, from your comments its seems to be that the number of items that are 
displayed in this combo box are also the items that appear in the menu. And 
the various possibilities are based on the plugins that are currently loaded. 

> > In my particular case, I do a lot of embedded systems and am interested
> > in maintaining two build folders. One for building the application in for
> > the x86 platform and another for the arm platform.
> >
> > When I run or debug my application that is built for arm, I need to
> > launch openocd which is a gdb server that connects to the arm device over
> > a JTAG interface. arm-gdb then connects to openocd. Later i want openocd
> > to exit as i stop debugging.
> >
> > Can i in some way achieve this with the launch configurations workflow?
> It will require creating gdb/shell scripts and specifying that in debugger
> configuration. Say, gdb script might have:
> 	shell whatevercommand &
>     target remote <xxx>
> However, I don't think anobody tested this with KDevelop4, so you are on
> thin ice. Eventually, we'll have 'remove application' launch type that will
> make this easy.

The one thing that i immediately noticed with the cmake support is that it 
needs to provide the additional cmake configuration that is provided by cmake-
gui when creating the build folder. Perhaps, through an "Advanced" button.

> - Volodya

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