Breadcrumbs implementation - patch

Vladimir Prus ghost at
Sat Jan 24 17:21:04 UTC 2009

On Wednesday 17 December 2008 19:55:43 Иван Ручкин wrote:
> Breadcrumbs implementation patch
> This patch is the implementation of 'breadcrumbs' nagivation in KDevelop, aimed to add a lightweight mechanism of navigation through files instead of additional views on the left side.-The navigation can start from project's directory (for files of some project) or from root folder (for files without project).
> -The popup list of files is split into 2 categories: Open and Other, which can be collapsed and expanded by a click. Directories are always in the "Other" list.
> -This version is sufficiently complete in my opinion. I'd appreciate if it is evaluated and commented.
> Known bugs:1. When starting kdevelop with open project files navigation start from root. Need to reopen them to navigate from project directory.2. The list of Open files contains more files than really open in the tabs. That's the list of documents, returned by function DocumentController::openDocuments.
> Intended changes:-Eliminate the bugs.-Probably change the popup list: for example "Recently opened"/"Other".-Improve internals for more stability.
> --Best regards,Ivan Ruchkin

So, what is the general opinion about this? I can work with Ivan to further polish the details,
but I would like to figure if anybody objects to this navigation thing going in, in general.


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